Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Inspired by our conversation last week, about the merging of real and virtual worlds I discovered a touching example known as "Loveland". The project is a virtual community that utilizes micro payments in an entirely new way.
Last yearJerry Paffendorf bought an abandoned Detroit parking lot for $500 in a city auction. Since then, he has been auctioning off at 1$ per square inch. So fare he has managed to sell off 600 of the 1000 square ft. Paffendorf,has launched a web site and blog for the project where land owners to participate in the Loveland online community. Members are encouraged to discuss post picture and videos and create plans for Loveland's renewal. While some members are sceptical of the overall impact the group will have in the city, this model is a new and exciting way to inspire improvement.
If the project is a success, one could speculate it having a positive impact for urban communities throughout the world.



1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the Million Dollar homepage project a few years back where the domain holder sold off pixels at one dollar each to whoever cared to buy them. You can put basically wahtever you want in your pixels. Amazing if you're bored and feel like going linksurfing, also a frightening glimpse at what may be the future of advertising http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/
